About us

About Our Setting
  • Lavenham Pre-school delivers quality education to pre-school children aged 2,3 and 4 years from a purpose-designed setting.

    Lavenham Pre-school is a company in the form of a Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered on 1st July 2019. Previously it had operated as an unincorporated charity.

    The Governing Document of the Pre-school is its Constitution, a link to which is included within Constitution and Policies.

    The Pre-school is managed by an elected Board of Trustees with a broad range of skills and experience, which meets regularly. Parents are encouraged to become Trustees or to join our Parents’ Committee, and to assist with our fundraising activities.

  • Lavenham Pre School, Suffolk,

  • The current Trustees are as follows:

    Roy Mawford – Chairman

    Kelly Humphreys – Vice Chairman

    Jill Jones – Secretary

    Sue Knight

    Laura Willis

    Anthony Burdis

    Kelly Greyling

    The Pre-school is subject to regular inspection by Ofsted. The first inspection in its current incorporated form and in our purpose-built setting was held on 1st October 2021, and resulted in a rating of GOOD.

    The Pre-school is self-funding from the Government Funding Grant for Early Years Education and from fees charged for non-funded sessions. We also raise money from various fundraising activities and donations received through participation as “Lavenham Pre-school” in the Easyfundraising scheme (https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/).

  • We use a written framework for our curriculum called the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).

    An updated EYFS has been introduced from November 2024 – please see the link to the full document. 

    We offer taster sessions for you and your child to enable parents and staff to work together during each child’s settling process. Children will be assigned a key-person during this time. This is a member of staff who will work with both you and your child to ensure a smooth transition into our setting.

    To assist with this, we provide you with an ‘All about Me’ booklet for you to complete providing us with details about your child’s development, likes and dislikes, etc.

  • Testimonials

    • “My children LOVE the time they spend at preschool. They have created and nurtured meaningful friendships during their time there and always come home happy and well looked after. As a parent, I couldn’t have asked for a better preschool setting and for my children to have spent their early years in such an exceptional place, with supportive, approachable and reassuring staff”

    • “I can’t recommend Lavenham Pre-school highly enough, both of my children have attended the Pre School. They were both always more than happy to go in and see their friends. The staff have always been fantastic. My daughter loves the new forest school that has just been built. We feel very lucky to have this in our village, just on our doorstep getting our little ones ready for big school.”

    • “We strongly recommend Lavenham pre-school! Our son has special needs and we can’t praise the team highly enough for what they have achieved with him in the short time he has been at the pre-school. They have gone above and beyond in completing the relevant referrals and working with other professionals to meet his needs. Day-to-day he is really well supported by all the staff who have got to know him so well.”

    • “From the first day to the very last the staff went above and beyond to support not only my son but myself as a parent too. They nurtured and enriched his learning while focusing on his sole interest of woolly mammoths with wonderful activities and stories. Frederick’s love of nature and wildlife was complemented through the wonderfully exciting forest school experiences offered. The Pre-School staff became like friends and family to us and I can not recommend this Pre-School enough; the team are one in a million.”

  • Constitution and Policies